Neutrino-oscillationer – Under Naturens Under

Datum och tid: 8:e maj, kl 17:15
Plats: Vasa A
Övrigt: Gratis grillade rymdmackor till den som tecknar nytt medlemskap som gäller hela nästa läsår.
Efter föredraget blir det årsmöte. Då har du chansen att gå med i styrelsen.
Björn Jonsson, professor i subatomär fysik på Chalmers berättar om neutriner, som gett flera Nobelpris, senast 2015 för observation av oscillationer: Nobelpriset motiverades med “ for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass”.
Dokumentär: Searching for Skylab

Neutrino Oscillations

Date and time: 8:th of May, at 17:15
Location: Vasa A
Other: Free grilled space sandwiches for anyone who signs new membership that applies throughout the next school year.
After the lecture there will be the annual meeting. This is an opportunity to join the board.
Björn Jonsson professor in subatomic physics at Chalmers talks about neutrinos, which have given several Nobel Prizes. The latest in 2015 for observation of oscillations: The Nobel Prize was justified by ”for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass”.
Documentary: Searching for Skylab